
Back in 2018 I had the pleasure of meeting Isaac and recording his story for Porchlight.

He told us how after countless years of living on the streets and drinking a whole lot, Porchlight told him they had a place for him – IF he could stay sober for 30 days. The third time was the charm. Isaac put the beer down for good and moved into his new home.

We worked with Emily from Porchlight on the shoot and she described Isaac the best: “Isaac was a gentle soul with a laugh and smile that lit up the room.”

After Isaac had a place to call home and a job, you could find him buying coffee for homeless men at McDonalds, and he became a mentor guiding new admits to the Porchlight program.

Isaac passed away a few days ago.

Thank you to Porchlight for never giving up on Isaac and thank you, Isaac for showing the world that it’s never too late to make those hard changes and turn your life around.

241 people slept at the Porchlight shelter last Tuesday night, a new record. If you can, please head over to Porchlight’s Amazon Wish List and purchase one or 35 items for the shelter. Thank you.

Rest well, Isaac.

Phone rings.
It’s a nice man from the Cleveland Clinic. I assume immediately that I am “patient zero” for something bad.
Nice man: “Hey John, you and Big Dreamers United took some photos of an awesome young lady who is kicking cancer to the curb and we are hoping to use a couple of the photos in a story we are doing about her.”
Of course you can use the photos, nice person at Cleveland Clinic. And even though violence is never the answer…way to punch cancer right out of the ring, Lucy. #exceptionrule
Lucy and her family are amazing and you can watch their story here:…/410-young-girl-is…
To help the fight against childhood cancer, please feel free to donate to a nonprofit co-founded by Lucy’s mom – Little Warrior Foundation
Lucy photo © Big Dreamers United and Flashes of Hope – Milwaukee.

The new phonebooks are here!  The new phonebooks are here!!
Sorry, super old joke…I meant, the Big Dreamers United Press Release is here!